Starting Monday March 23rd!

Join me for a Free 5 Day S.W.O.T Challenge

The 5 day S.W.O.T challenge will:

  • Help you determine your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
  • Help you find opportunities during this difficult time
  • Map out your businesses unique strengths
  • Give you a business tool and skill that you can use in our changing world
  • Provide access to additional free resources

The Tourism industry is in a tough place, but we are tougher.

Join me and others in our industry as we work through a S.W.O.T analysis together. I won't guarantee that we will solve any problems, but I promise you that you will feel less helpless.

You will learn how to use a tool that can help us all find ways and reasons to keep a postive mindset. Join us starting Monday March 23rd.

You will receive an email every day with bit of homework. At the end of the week you will have ideas for your next steps.

    We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.